Monthly Archives: April 2018

Bento Boxes

Have you heard of this fun lunch idea? Bento boxes are a Japanese style packed lunch that is appealing, nutritious, filling and delicious! It’s a perfect solution for an easy on the go meal.  It’s not a new idea, just a quick and portable way to prepare a healthy balanced meal.

Practical yet fun storage containers are available at Amazon, SAMS club or local retail stores. Simply add an ice pack in the morning and it’s ready! The basic idea is to combine fresh items; protein, carbs, fruit and veggies and maybe a small dessert or treat. There are endless ideas on Pinterest that can be adapted to your family tastes. You might also search under “bistro boxes” for more results.

Similar pre-made lunch/snack boxes are available at cafes or grocery stores but it’s going to be more expensive than making your own. I prefer to meal prep to save money and guarantee that the food is really fresh!

I could go on and on about this lunch idea because it’s so easy, fresh and healthy! Here’s a great pic to help you get started.


Happy Spring!

….the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds has come… Song of Solomon 2:11-12

The days are getting longer, flowers and trees are starting to bloom and spring cleaning continues!

We’ve added a couple new little additions to our family recently:

Meet Cadbury and Peanut! They are sweet, funny and lively….it’s so fun to watch their antics.

I’ve also done a little “spring cleaning” here on my blog. I have updated my introduction column (About Me) and will be adding a whole new element to this site in the near future! I’m excited to add FITNESS topics to this food and faith blog! I keep a favorite motivational quote on my phone from Rick Warren that says, “God created it. Jesus died for it. The spirit lives in it. I’d better take care of it!” Stay tuned for fun fitness posts!

On a personal note, I’ve recently accepted a position on a catering team for a local market that specializes in flavorful and fresh Appalachian fare! The busy season is approaching quickly and I’m looking forward to the graduation parties, weddings and special summer events!